Your Lineage Influences Your Love Life

Your Lineage Influences Your Love Life

There’s a relationship pattern I’ve seen play out in various ways. It goes like this: One person is caught in a conflict or argument with their partner, trying to express their feelings, but somehow, the words just won’t come out right. Despite the...
The Path to Authentic Intimacy

The Path to Authentic Intimacy

“Into-me-see.” Into. Me. SEE. No, I’m not speaking in tongues! “Into-me-see” is one of my favorite phrases. It’s a wordplay on ‘intimacy’ sounding like ‘into me, you see.’ It’s a catchy way of describing intimacy as the ability for someone to truly see into you. But...
What is Intimacy Sharing?

What is Intimacy Sharing?

Most, if not all of us, have learned very poor communication skills. American families have a way of avoiding intimate and vulnerable conversations, and there are many reasons why that has become the norm in our society (too many to talk about now!). My family...
Why I’m a Life & Intimacy Coach

Why I’m a Life & Intimacy Coach

The thing with learning about yourself is that it’s a lifelong journey. You’re constantly evolving, so your understanding of yourself will also constantly evolve. And sometimes, you’ll need to take time to re-learn and deepen what you know about...
Erotic Blueprints (part 2)

Erotic Blueprints (part 2)

The 5 Erotic Blueprints™ are about self-development. As I mentioned in part one of this series, Erotic Blueprints are another avenue of self-development, personal growth and healing. It’s about knowing who we are. And, as Jaiya discovered in her work as a...