Connecting to Purpose (Part 2)

Connecting to Purpose (Part 2)

In my last blog, I talked about how I resisted the idea of teaching for years. I refused to listen to the signs and denied that teaching could ever be something fulfilling for me. Then last year I finally started to listen. I took time away from work to reflect and...

Connecting to Purpose (Part 1)

Connecting to Purpose (Part 1)

I've facilitated breathwork training for around 10 years, and it took me that long to realize something important: Teaching is my purpose. BUT it's not my only one, it hasn't always been a purpose for me, and it may or may not be my purpose in the future. Sound...

Intimacy & Breathwork: An Inspired Connection

Intimacy & Breathwork: An Inspired Connection

I've guided thousands of people through breathwork sessions over the past 20 years. Yet, it took me a long time to consciously understand something I intuitively knew at a soul level: Breathwork is all about intimacy. When we tune into our breath, we can explore our...

Integrating The 4 Modalities

Integrating The 4 Modalities

I love the expression of life in all of its forms. There’s so much to learn and discover, and I have a thirst to keep expanding within myself. I’m always searching for new learning opportunities because I love being in a stimulating environment. That’s how I...

Journey: My Four Modalities

Journey: My Four Modalities

Most people know me as a breathworker. Which makes sense since I’ve been doing it so long! But you may have noticed a shift lately about what I’m sharing publicly. I’ve been opening up about my intimacy coaching and how discovering Erotic Blueprints™ transformed my...

Erotic Blueprints (part 2)

Erotic Blueprints (part 2)

The 5 Erotic Blueprints™ are about self-development. As I mentioned in part one of this series, Erotic Blueprints are another avenue of self-development, personal growth and healing. It's about knowing who we are. And, as Jaiya discovered in her work as a sexologist...