Focus Words for 2024

Focus Words for 2024

If you’re like how I was at the start of 2023, you’re not sure what “focus words” are. Are they buzzwords? Something you meditate on? An obscure way to say New Year’s resolutions? Before we dive into talking about them, let me tell you...
Exploring the Depths of Family Constellations

Exploring the Depths of Family Constellations

Self-discovery is a lifelong quest. It’s a continual process of learning and re-learning, where each step brings us closer to the core of our authentic selves. As a Life and Intimacy Coach, my journey has been enriched with diverse modalities, each offering...
Rediscovering Enjoyment

Rediscovering Enjoyment

When was the last time you took a moment to simply enjoy life? And I’m not talking about a vacation (let’s face it: sometimes those can be just as stressful as work!). I’m talking about finding a moment in your day to do something that’s pure pleasure. Or slowing down...
Networking with Heart

Networking with Heart

If you’ve been on this journey with me for a while, you know I’m always, always evolving. I’m always looking for new modalities to better serve myself and my clients, I’m always looking for something new to learn, and I’m always looking for more ways to build a bigger...