Setting Foundations

Setting Foundations

If you’ve been an avid reader of my other blogs, you probably know one fact about me: I’m big on learning. I take a ton of courses because I simply crave knowledge. Over the years, I’ve taken so many trainings I’ve lost count. But I’m always amazed that I will still...
Finding Your Niche

Finding Your Niche

Do you really need to have one?   I keep having people tell me, “You need to find your niche.” It’s a classic marketing thing. And you know what? I realized I kind of want to say f*ck that, because I love working with men and men really love working with...
Feeling at Ease

Feeling at Ease

How learning to say no can lead to living an inspired life (Part two). As I mentioned in my last blog post, I recently came to understand a pattern of mine that had been plaguing me for some time. Namely, that I had to push to be successful. Where did this pattern of...
The Feeling of Ease

The Feeling of Ease

How learning to say no can lead to living an inspired life. (Part one) I have a project that kind of took a back seat as a result of Covid. So, it’s been a while since I gave it any serious attention. Recently, myself and the two other people I was collaborating with...
What is the Passion Test?

What is the Passion Test?

Is this the life I want to lead? Do I want to work this mind-numbing job? Do I want to be in an environment that doesn’t feel good just for the paycheck? We all have plenty of adjusting to do in our lives on a continual basis, and dare I say it, an abundance of things...