Today, I want to share a story with you (but really…when don’t I?). It’s the story of eight women who opened my eyes to the power of consistent breathwork.

The Unexpected Year-Long Journey

It was a typical afternoon in 2017 when a woman contacted me about doing a breathwork session with her and seven friends. They had heard about breathwork, found my name somewhere, and wanted to give it a shot. These friends were spiritual seekers, always eager to sample new practices, so I only expected to guide them through one breathwork journey before they were off to the next thing.

Well…that didn’t exactly happen!

I met the eight women for our session, got to know a little about each of them and where they were in their lives, then invited them to begin the breathwork journey with me. After the experience, the energy in the room was electric. Their eyes were bright, their smiles wide.

They all had the same question: “Can we do this again next week?”

I was a little taken aback—at the time, I didn’t host group sessions regularly. But the women were all so eager, and our journey together had been so wonderful, that I agreed.

Two sessions turned into three, then four, then I was meeting them weekly with no end in sight.

Week after week, these eight women showed up, ready to breathe, to explore, to grow. Their dedication was so inspiring. Only illness or travel ever kept them away, and even then, they’d express how much they missed the session.

I was incredibly moved by their dedication and our weekly journeys lasted for over a year.

Blossoming from the Inside Out

As the weeks turned into months, I started to notice changes in each of them. It’s like they each became more of themselves—who they really were and not who others wanted them to be.

Imagine a rubber band that’s tight and constricted—that’s most of us in our everyday lives, constrained by our conditioned behaviors and habits. A single breathwork journey is like stretching that rubber band. It feels great, but once it’s over, we tend to snap back to our current “normal.”

BUT, when you practice consistently, week after week, that rubber band starts to loosen. It begins to hold its expanded shape even when you’re not actively “stretching” it. As a result, you become more expansive yourself and step into your unique energy.

This is exactly what I saw happening with these women. They were blossoming from the inside out, becoming more authentically themselves with each passing week. The expanded state of being that they experienced during breathwork sessions started to become their new normal, and all of them were happier and practically glowing from the changes.

But it wasn’t just individual growth I witnessed. The connections between these women deepened in ways I hadn’t anticipated. They were already friends when they had started, but breathing together week after week took their relationships to a whole new level.

There’s a big misconception that we need to constantly talk to each other (friends, family, etc.) to feel connected. But in reality, you can experience a profound bonding when you simply show up to be with someone. Being in silence together can create connection. It could involve breathing side by side, diving into the depths of your being and witnessing each other’s journeys.

What amazes me is that this deep bonding doesn’t just happen during in-person sessions. I’ve seen the same magic happen in online groups. There’s just something incredibly powerful about breathing together, even when you’re physically apart, and it creates a sense of unity and shared experience that transcends distance.

For the eight women I spent a year with, I saw them navigate life’s ups and downs with a new sense of grace and resilience. Breathwork became their safe space to process emotions, align with their inner truths, and release what no longer served them.

The Power of Consistency

This experience taught me so much, and it showed me the true potential of breathwork as a consistent practice. While I had always known the power of individual sessions, seeing the cumulative effect of regular practice was eye-opening.

Witnessing this transformation is what actually inspired me to start my Breath Is Prayer monthly ceremonies—I opened up regular breathwork sessions to the public. Some of the original women stayed and continued to breathe with me for the next two years. Some of them still breathe with me to this day when I offer sessions.

What I’ve seen countless times since starting my regular breathwork groups is that consistency is the real magic when it comes to breathwork. It’s not about having one mind-blowing session (though those are amazing too!). It’s about showing up for yourself, again and again, even when it feels challenging or you’re not sure what you’ll experience.

One way to think about it is like this: if you go to the gym once, you might feel great that day, but you won’t see lasting changes in your body. It’s the same with breathwork. One session can be powerful, but it’s the regular practice that truly transforms your life.

Essentially, you’re rewiring your nervous system. You’re teaching your body and mind new ways of being, new ways of responding to stress, new ways of connecting with yourself and others. Over time, this creates profound shifts in how you move through the world.

Bringing Consistent Breathwork to You!

I know staying consistent can be hard on your own, so I’ve been working on a way to bring the power of consistent breathwork to more people.

I’m excited to announce that soon, I’ll be launching a Breath Is Prayer membership program.

This program will offer a large library of themed breathwork recordings, along with weekly live sessions. It’s designed to support you in establishing a regular breathwork practice, helping you experience the kind of transformation I witnessed in the eight women who changed everything for me.

The membership will be offered at a minimal monthly fee, making it affordable for anyone who wants to commit to their journey. Whether you prefer guided recordings or live sessions, whether you have 30 minutes or a full hour, there will be options for your lifestyle (I love options!).

I’ll be sharing more details about the membership soon.

For now, if you’re curious about breathwork, or just want to talk, I invite you to book a 15-minute discovery session with me. Let’s breathe together 🙂